19 April 2024 - 21 April 2024

(Friday - Sunday)

Location: 42 West 8 Avenue, Vancouver, BC

Click here to watch this video first!

Powerful communication is all in the

communication we put out,

whether spoken or unspoken.

The results are obvious.

When you speak powerfully,

you are responsible for what you say,

see it being received and being CLEAR.

Results match with what we put out.

You say nothing, you got nothing.

Are you willing to be responsible for that?


  • You are experiencing a huge disconnect from your work

  • You are lacking joy or purpose

  • You are living in a relationship where passion and excitement has dwindled

  • You feel alone and/or lonely

  • You are not connected to your dreams and passions

  • You are overwhelmed by the pressures of life

  • You don’t experience joy and happiness

  • Your relationship is tough, whether personal, work or BOTH.



Mastery will give you new tools and experience

to take charge and turn your life

in the direction you want.

Whether you are single or in a relationship,

a business owner or working professional,

scared, lonely and think it’s all just you

and tired of being stuck,

open hearted or closed.

If you do nothing,

it stays the same.

  • Get clarity and direction

  • Rediscover joy and purpose

  • Reignite passion and intimacy

  • Express your true self

  • Express your core values

  • Reconnect with your passion and dreams

Meet Your Guide

to Masterful Expression:


An actor for almost 50 years.

On and off-Broadway, regional theatre, children’s theatre and member of improv troupes.

Over 35 commercials, 40 TV shows & films.

Senior corporate communication expert with Fortune 500 companies.

Communication coach for over 40 years.

Led over 800 workshops, worked with over 20,000 people, and

Has led MASTERY for 42 years.

Larry Gilman is a mentor, guide, and accomplished professional

who has dedicated his life to mastering the art of

communication and self-expression.

Read what they say about the MASTERY of Self Expression Workshop

Larry Gilman is a MASTER of inner work. The Mastery of Self Expression is traditionally a class for actors to become much more in tune with themself & to be able to reach a whole new level of authenticity in the roles they are playing, but I AM NOT AN ACTOR & most of the people I know who have done this course are not thespians of any type.

The work that is done at the Mastery is amazing, intimate, confronting, FUN, challenging, enlightening, & rewarding! I have sat in on a few as a guest since taking mine, & it is never the same, but it is always similar work, & the outcome is always beautiful & profound. I shed countless layers of facade, protection, & disconnection from the world around me to become a more intuitive, vulnerable, authentic, & powerful man.

Although Larry is not the only facilitator in the Mastery of Self Expression, he is almost always the star in most people’s experience. He is gentle, intuitive, caring, nurturing, & INCREDIBLY insightful. His ability to really see people for who they are, even when they are masters at hiding their true self also allows him to gain instant trust & rapport with almost anyone. As soon as he goes to work with you, I can assure you that you will get exactly what you need, even if you’re not looking for jt or expecting it. Just be ready to go full out, & become an even better you!


I came to the MASTERY because I needed to connect with people in my work and

I wanted to feel more comfortable with people in my personal life.

I have always felt unsure how I was perceived by others and avo8ided letting people get to know me.

MASTERY allowed me to open up and share within a small group of participants.

I found my voice and just love being with people and interacting with confidence and joy.


My Mastery course in NYC with Larry Gilman & Christopher Cass and co-student Emily Nakai was 14 years ago in 2008.

It still has practical, positive impact in my life now, real time.

The change in perspective and skill were both permanent.

Yay! Thank you! :-)


I came here unaware of what I lacked, but, but I knew something was missing.
Despite my resistance, I sought answers for my emotions and untapped power.
MOSE provided that crucial piece, transforming my career and relationship. .
Thank you, Larry, for sharing your gift and making a profound impact.


A lot of speakers like us focus on what we call “technical skills”. Knowing the techniques, as I have been aware, is not enough. The personal development part is key. So the solution is not about learning only the little voice; it is about mastering the little
voice. So I found my answer in these four days. And thank you, my mentor, Larry, for helping me learn that.


The MASTERY of Self-Expression workshop is an amazing weekend workshop

which has made a HUGE positive difference in my life and I thoroughly recommend it!

Larry Gilman the main facilitator will be up from Los Angeles to lead. Larry is great;

if you are in Vancouver - check it and him out!

The next Vancouver workshop starts the evening of April 19 -- jump in - it's so worth it!


In Vancouver, an extraordinary experience in Mastery Self Expression with Larry Gilman

with spot on laser coaching to help you Learn more about you in a 3 day intensive, experiential setting.

Thanks to New Peaks, I met Larry Gilman at an event where. he was on faculty.

I'm psyched to get crankin' when I get back! It stretches you and gets you of the comfort zone

we all get stuck in ! 3rd day and then the red eye back ! #masteryselfexpression



Larry is amazing! I've only heard phenomenal feedback from people who've taken the course.

I had an opportunity to be in a couple of break-out sessions/classes where he was presenting/working with people.

He's the real deal and I'm excited to see what happens at this event.


MOSE helped me express my emotions by being honest with myself. Previously,
I worried about others' perceptions and said that I thought they wanted to
hear. Through MOSE, I discovered the importance of my voice and making
decisions based on my true desires, bringing relief and lifting burdens.


It used to baffle me why being authentic was so important. I've been fortunate to learn from many incredible teachers along my journey, and I am continuing to discover how to connect with my essential Self - the part of me that is naturally wise, strong, capable, loving, kind, genuine, curious and inherently wonderful, without any sense of striving or ulterior motives.

Living an authentic life is about living in alignment with my true self without hiding behind masks or spending an exorbitant amount of energy pretending, fretting, worrying, ruminating...(so exhausting!)

My hero Gabor Mate says that when we suppress our feelings to avoid pain, disappointment, and shame, we stifle our capacity for joy, courage and dim our inner light.

My dear friend Pia Prana who shares in my passion for studying Gabor Mate’s work, believes (and has witnessed in her profound work with her clients) that when we shed our layers of masks and reveal our authentic self, space opens up for beauty, joy and love to rush in.

The late Thich Nhat Hanh said that “Many people are alive but don’t touch the miracle of being alive.”

My mentor, Larry Gilman, teaches authenticity and guides people step by step on how to attain it. I had the privilege of learning from him at the Mastery in Singapore back in 2011 and again in Vancouver in 2016.



Life Waits For No One

Every moment you spend disconnected from your true self is a moment lost.

Don't let another day pass in silence. Embrace the opportunity to transform your life with the MASTERY of Self Expression.

Find your voice, live your truth, and connect deeply with those around you.

Join us now and embark on a journey of self-discovery, expression, and transformation.

Because your true self deserves to be heard, loved, and lived.


(310) 471-1085

Copyright © MASTERY VANCOUVER. All Rights Reserved